To: President Donald Trump
Attorney General: Help Save our Children
Federal government should have jurisdiction over all child support matters, since states have failed the children in single parent households. Women are typically the custodial parent left with the responsibility of providing for the children. The custodial parents hereby peitition for the federal government to take control over child support matters, and use its national powers and resources to save our children from the unnecessary burdens placed on the custodial parent entrusted with their care and protection.
Why is this important?
Many children are finding themselves in homes without the bare necessities due to the unfortunate situation of living in single parent homes where the absent parent is not providing any support to the child -- even when there are support orders in place. The states are inconsistent in granting and enforcing child support orders, as a result the children suffer, the custodial parent has to work multiple jobs or long hours and the absent parent escapes financial responsibility without any penalty. Women are disporportionately impacted since they typically are the primary care givers/custodial parent. The laws must be enacted empowering the federal government to take control of the child support enforcement so that we are all subject to the same criteria irrespective of the state in which the children or parents live.