To: Hillary Clinton, Gloria Steinem, Madeleine Albright

Boycott books and/or products of Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, and Gloria Steinem

Madeleine Albright told a New Hampshire audience at a Clinton rally that "there's a special place in Hell" for women who don't support Hillary, and Gloria Steinem dismissed young women who support Bernie Sanders as only doing so because "That's where the boys are." These two women, who have been regarded as strong supporters for women for years have now stooped to doing the same thing they accused men of doing to women: They were, respectively engaging in intimidation and condescension.

Why is this important?

It appears that these three women stand for the old guard, the corrupt and wealthy people who will do or say anything to support the 1%. We need to let them know we no longer will tolerate corrupt "business as usual" along with intimidation and condescension.