To: The Russian Federation


Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin must be stopped. His actions now mirror Adolf Hilter's actions before millions were killed and a world war began. Citizens, in addition to their governments, need to act now!

Why is this important?

Russia's invasion of The Crimea and intent to invade the Ukraine has "Third Reich" written all over it. Millions were brutally murdered, in addition to those killed in the world war which quickly followed Hitler's invasion. The world waited too late before intervening then and this should not happen again. I think citizens in addition to governments can put pressure on Putin and his henchmen to stand down and to let them know the world is against them. La invasión rusa de Crimea y la intención de invadir la Ucrania es exactamente lo que eran objetivos de Adolf Hitler en Europa. Y millones fueron brutalmente asesinados (además el comienzo de una guerra mundial) ocurrió antes de que él fue detenido... Creo que los ciudadanos además los gobiernos pueden presionar a Putin y sus secuaces que se retiren y hacerles saber que el mundo está contra ellos.