To: President Donald Trump, The Kentucky State House, The Kentucky State Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Bring Back Grand Parents Rights
We as Grandparents have no rights at all. If a family splits up or there is drugs in a family and the Child is torn up between homes or a family, or maybe even not safe. We as Grandparents have no rights to step in and do our part. I myself have experienced this by raising my granddaughter for 16 Months, The Mother was in jail and on the run from the Law, she was a drug user as well as the Dad, which was on Drugs as bad as the mother. When the Mother got out of Jail she came and took the baby. I have been fighting the courts over this for seven months now. This little girl I raised and cared for, I was all she knew, my home was her home and the Mother had the right to just up and walk away with her and now I have nothing or no rights at all.
Why is this important?
There are some children that are brought up in homes with Drug users and broken families. In this day and time you have to hurt a child or abuse a child to get something done by the laws in Kentucky. I have seen with my own eyes, that when a new born baby is born and they have drugs in there system, the state will walk in and make a prevention plan and send the child home to the drug invested home. The Social workers will go back in thirty days and re-test the parents and (yes) they will have passed a drug test, by cheating the system or whatever and then the social workers will walk away, not protecting the child and not knowing if the child is being feed or bathed or brought up in a good safe home, while the parents are using again. This law system is something else. We as Grandparents need to protect Children from harm and danger and that is why I am starting this Petition. The love that I have for my Granddaughter is a never lasting love that breaks my heart since she has been taken away from me after raising her for 16 long months. When I know that the parents that she is with are both on drugs and they have no home and have no jobs, this is not a good or safe environment for children. We as Grandparents need to stand up and protect our grandchildren when the parents cannot or will not. Drugs is taken over the world and no one will stand up and help do anything to stop it. Please sign this and pass it along.