To: Ken Hayes, Mayor of Sequim, WA

"Bring the Troops Home, War Dollars Home"

A Petition by the MoveOn Council of Clallam County

The Honorable Ken Hayes
Mayor of Sequim
152 West Cedar St.
Sequim, WA

Dear Mayor Hayes,
The U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM), meeting in Baltimore, June 20, unanimously adopted a resolution urging a speedy end of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, safe return of our soldiers, and the transfer of the $126 billion spent on these wars to meet “vital human needs, promote job creation, rebuild our infrastructure, aid municipal and state governments, and develop a new economy based upon renewable and sustainable energy.”

Like all communities, Sequim is struggling with shrinking revenues and rising costs of all the vital services we need ranging from quality public education for our children to care for the elderly in the autumn of their lives. We urge you to endorse the USCM resolution and add your voice to the call for the reordering of our national priorities.

We also urge you to support a public discussion of the USCM resolution during a regular Sequim City Council meeting to allow councilmembers and citizens to comment on this urgent topic.


Richard Gray, William Kildall, co-coordinators, Clallam County MoveOn Council

Why is this important?

The U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting in Baltimore, June 20, unanimously approved a resolution urging a speedy end of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, safe return of U.S. troops and use of the $126 billion spent on those wars to meet domestic needs like job creation, aid to our cities, and infrastructure rebuilding. Our petition is addressed to our local mayors urging them to endorse the USCM resolution and call for a discussion of the issues it raises during a regular City Council meeting
