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To: Buckeye Broadband out of NW Ohio

Buckeye Broadband Monopoly

Stop charging loyal, long standing customers $100/mo for internet and offer new customers the same service for $40/mo!

There's also several parts of the area, particularly in Sylvania, Ohio, where resident's pretty much have zero options outside of Buckeye's service. This is why they control our wallets. There's no competition! That's considered a monopoly.

Their internet service is also of mediocre (at best) quality and reliability. It constantly loses connectivity and doesn't even have good coverage throughout the entirety of family's homes.

We want affordable rates, all the time!

Why is this important?

Bringing in competition where needed, as well as holding the company accountable for not offering more affordable rates for something that is a necessity (especially with home schooling during the pandemic), should not be allowed! They're taking advantage of their customers during a very trying time for everyone.

Homes should not have to pay over $100/mo for internet when other companies offer the same, if not better service, for half the price!

We, the people demand that Buckeye Broadband offer better rates and service. We also would like more options to create and maintain competition amongst several companies.


2020-08-12 11:48:13 -0400

1,000 signatures reached

2020-08-08 20:41:40 -0400

500 signatures reached

2020-08-07 22:57:28 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-08-07 22:17:01 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-08-07 22:03:03 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-08-07 21:54:02 -0400

10 signatures reached