To: President Donald Trump

Call obama


On Wednesday, President Obama will be announcing his budget, and several reports show that he is planning to propose severe cuts to Social Security.

It's not too late to change his mind, especially if he hears from progressives like you. Can you call the White House and tell President Obama not to cut Social Security? Here's the number to call: 202-456-1111

It will only take a few moments, and when you call, you don't need to say a lot—just tell him that you oppose Social Security benefit cuts. If Social Security means something to you personally, say that too.

Then, help me keep track of how many calls have been made by clicking here:
Thank you for taking a stand on this important issue.

–SignOn petition creator

Thanks for your leadership.

–Stefanie, Steven, Joan, Anna, and the rest of the team

Why is this important?

Stop Obama from making social security cuts