To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Care More, Save San Francisco

STOP the homeless CRISIS; humanity MUST be a priority and we MUST find a sustainable and scalable long-term solution to the homelessness and the lack of support in San Francisco

Why is this important?

People need our help and so does our city. You can no longer walk 25 feet in San Francisco without seeing someone struggling to find their way. San Francisco has the highest proportion of unsheltered homeless, counting 511 people on the streets for every 100,000 residents.

There is suffering on our city streets; individuals with mental health issues, anger, depression. Drugs being abused in the middle of the afternoon while walking our children down the street. Used syringes littering our path. Utter filth. It is unsafe and inhumane to allow these people and our city to live so completely lost.

We have a social responsibility and MUST come together to find the solution. The Government MUST listen and respond. We can no longer allow People to live this way.

This is a public health crisis. One we can all change by coming together and making what's right a priority. Mission before self!