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To: The United States House of Representatives, The House Committee on Ethics, and President Joe Biden

Censure Rep. Higgins for dangerous racist remarks

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) has repeatedly demonstrated that he is unfit to serve in Congress. His recent racist comments, where he referred to Haitian immigrants as "thugs" and "gangsters," are just the latest in a long string of harmful, divisive remarks.

Higgins has a troubling history of inciting hate and violence, including using racially charged language to attack marginalized communities, promoting dangerous conspiracy theories, and defending the January 6th Capitol rioters. His conduct is not only offensive but also poses a significant danger to our democracy by emboldening hate groups and white supremacists.

We demand that the House Committee on Ethics investigate Rep. Higgins for his repeated misconduct and initiate a formal censure process. Furthermore, we call on Higgins to step down from his position as a member of Congress.

Why is this important?

When someone in power uses hateful and dangerous rhetoric, it puts lives at risk. Rep. Higgins' words have the potential to fuel violence and exacerbate discrimination against immigrants, Black Americans, Muslims, and other marginalized communities. Congress must take action to hold him accountable and protect the values of equality and justice.


2024-10-17 15:20:17 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-10-17 14:44:53 -0400

50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

2024-10-17 14:34:47 -0400

10 signatures reached