To: The American Kennel Club
Change The AKC Breed Standard For AmStaffs
The American Kennel Club adopted the Breed Standard for the American Staffordshire Terrier in June of 1936. The Standard called for the following in regards to the AmStaff's Ears - Cropped or uncropped, the latter preferred. Uncropped ears shouldbe short and held rose or half prick. Full drop to be penalized.
It is our belief that the act of surgically altering the NATURAL state of any animal should not be part of the Standard.
It is our belief that the act of surgically altering the NATURAL state of any animal should not be part of the Standard.
Why is this important?
Calling for the AKC's Breed Standard for the American Stafforshire Terrier, and all dogs be amended to remove any type of surgical alteration (ears, tails etc.) to be removed. Our dogs are part of our family, we should treat them as such.