Tecumseh's City ordinance already allows for keeping poultry - the problem must be in that the wording is not clear enough to keep local law enforcement from fining residents that do have poultry and for the local judge to uphold a guilty verdict. Help us encourage the city council to seriously review this ordinance's verbiage to make clear that poultry is a resident's right to the point that the judiciary branch of the city will have no choice but to support this right without prejudice or bias.
Why is this important?
I grew up in this town and love it dearly. But living within city limits has made clear there is a heavy inclination towards fining citizens for ridiculous non-offenses and relying on a skewed justice system to meter out justice. Unfortunately, the citizens are the ones being unjustly treated and small issues like this is just the tip of the iceberg. Help us turn this town around and put it back on the path to serving its residents rather than using them as an endless source of unjust revenue.