To: The New Jersey State House, The New Jersey State Senate, and Governor Phil Murphy

Change In Social Services

Stop Treating Us like Nothing In Social Services and Hiding the Services That We Are Allowed.

Why is this important?

I, Carl Walden, got benefits form the Union County Office in Elizabeth NJ. They took my stuff away not giving me any fair warning about it and took my housing away form me . This had forced me to go for a fair hearing . I am currently on probation and without an address i am subjected to going back to jail . They know that i have mental disabilities. They understand this and my stuff was stolen from me in one of their establishments. This has been happening to a lot of people . Their workers are very disrespectful and not very informative. The lack of education that they have about your programs and them putting us where they want to is just unfair. They treat us disrespectfully and inhumane.
They have no knowledge of the programing and their limitations and some off them do and choose not to give us any clarity of the problem.