To: Governor Greg Abbott
Change The No Bruise No Blood law.
This petition is started to prevent children from being forced to go to homes where they are scared for their safety.
Why is this important?
My little sister took her distraught friend, who was only 12 years old, to our apartment because she was scared of her mother. Her mother verbally abuses her and tonight pulled her hair and slapped her across the face. So she took her kitten and wanted to spend the night because she was scared she would be hurt when her mother returned from drinking. Soon her mother came to our home screaming and tried to drag her daughter out with force. Her daughter cried and begged that she didn't want to go and that she was scared. We separated her from her mom and the child begged to call the police. We did because her mother had gotten violent and shoved me and grabbed my younger cousin in an attempt to get to her kid. The cops came, questioned everyone, and decided to let the mother take her terrified child back to their house. The cops said that the girl should only call if she had a bruise or bleeding because any kind of physical punishment was okay unless they caused one or the other, and unless the child was scared for her life they wouldn't help her.