To: President Donald Trump, The Arizona State House, The Arizona State Senate, Governor Doug Ducey, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Changes to Arizona Adoption Laws
Arizona needs to revamp its adoption laws to include time limitations, changes to the requirements and process of adoption for the birth parents and for the adoptive families to include pre- and post-adoption counseling, legal representation requirements, etc.
Why is this important?
The State of Arizona does not have strong enough laws to protect the children of Arizona when it comes to the issues of Adoption. I believe that there should be a requirement for pre- and post-adoption counseling for both the birth parents and the adopting family, financial counseling, a requirement that each party seek legal representation to discuss the ramifications of each document and decision, that an adopting party be required to proceed through an agency or CPS to complete a home study and report to the Court any home study that is incomplete or is not approved, regardless of the status of the adoption process, a time limitation for adoption to finalize and a time limitation for Consents. There are so many regulations that need to be revamped to ensure the safety of the children in this state, regardless of whether it is a direct/specific adoption. There are also laws that need to be made for specification on direct adoption processes.
Please help by signing this Petition to tell the State of Arizona that it is time to PROTECT our children!
Why am I so passionate?! See MY STORY on
Please help by signing this Petition to tell the State of Arizona that it is time to PROTECT our children!
Why am I so passionate?! See MY STORY on