To: Communications / Media Relations: and Communications/Media Relations

Clear Channel: Discontinue Rush Limbaugh's radio talk show.

Sandra Fluke, a law student at Georgetown University who was advocating for health insurance plans to cover the cost of contraception, became the target of a series of attacks by Limbaugh. Besides calling her a "slut," he also called her a "prostitute," said that he wanted her to make sex tapes and post them online, and speculated that she only had a problem paying for contraception because she was having "so much sex."

We who support Ms. Fluke, find that this is a serious offense enacted by Mr. Limbaugh and we ask that his radio show be terminated.

Why is this important?

Rush Limbaugh's radio show is a part of the Clear Channel lineup. Let's send a message to them that no longer can they allow Rush Limbaugh the opportunity to spew hateful and sometimes derogatory comments. Sign the petition and help get this done.
