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To: We can punish CNN and boycott the network

CNN wants to further break Democracy

Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

On May 10, 2023 CNN took an hour on air, to GIVE the Twice impeached, January 6th instigator, found liable for SEXUAL Assault against E. Gene Carroll,Took confidential documents belonging to WE THE PEOPLE, snuggling with criminals, former President, an hour to spew hate, continue 2020 election lies, Misogamist, in front of a cheering Maga crowd platform for a rating grab! We cannot allow ANY media to use OUR America as a MONEY GRAB for ratings. Please consider signing this petition to boycott CNN on Memorial Day May 29, 2023 and send a message that we will PUNISH ANY MEDIA OUTLET that considers supporting the man that desires to be KING over us, Donald J Trump. We cannot take this moment lightly! This moment IS our MOMENT to prove to racist, Fascist WTP do not agree with their decision to support evil and will continue our action of boycotting ANY network that upholds A Fascist Agenda!

Why is this important?

This is our MOMENT to prove to ALL media outlets, especially CNN ownership, democracy is NOT a sport! And it’s fragility will NOT be dangled in front of us as if WTP are helpless and have to take it. We ARE NOT helpless! We can make a difference. PLEASE BE the difference needed that will hold media entities like CNN accountable for giving EVIL, CORRUPT Humans, platform to further divide and BREAK OUR Democracy!
We will NOT TAKE THIS anymore!!


2023-06-23 04:18:06 -0400

50 signatures reached

2023-05-14 01:47:43 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-05-12 09:23:28 -0400

10 signatures reached