To: The Colorado State House

Colorado Legislator Proposes Fetal Homicide Law

Stop unlawful termination of a pregnancy laws which are designed to give legal significance to a "fetus".

Why is this important?

The Colorado House of Representatives is writing a First Degree Murder Bill of an Unborn Child sponsored by Representative Joshi.

The language of the Bill uses the terminology of Unlawful Termination of A Pregnancy and is broadly written without any reference to the stage of the fetus whether at conception or at so called "quick". This law is an attempt to give "legal status" to a fetus. I'm calling on women of the State of Colorado to question this fetal homicide law. Should the State be enacting criminal laws to protect a fetus? Wasn't Roe v. Wade a decision to protect a women's right to choose. If we allow these laws to be passed by the General Assembly where do they end and to what purpose do they serve? To protect women or protect a fetus which has no legal rights?
