To: Dept of Human Services, dept of human Services

community residents against local small stores converting Link for Cash

Local store owners, who are not contributing to the Community in which their Store is located.

Why is this important?

Store owners of our community who do not live in or contribute to our community, are co-dependants in the drug use in our community. By providing cash for link $6.00 for $10.00 that is given. Enabling the welfare percipient to continue to be able to take from their children's mouth or their own, to finance whatever, that's not food related. Some may be doing to pay bills, but it still is not legal or fair, to them, but their desperate, and addicted, and the store owners, prey on that and get richer, and richer, and our resisdents become or remain, poverty stricken, drug addiction, homelessness, and other health issues, such as cancer,emphysema, (cigerettes or also purched with link in these facilities) child abuse and or neglect continues, all which ultimately take from our Communities.