100 signatures reached
To: Concordia College New York
Concordia College Covid-19 Policies
We would like to hold Concordia College NY accountable for the coronavirus policies put in place by administration largely including but not limited to The COVID-19 remote learning, move out policy, and insufficient housing refunds.
Why is this important?
This is so important because when you do not speak up against unfair treatment it continues. Most residents were charged for living on campus during a semester we were forced to leave. We were not advised to take out things under the impression that we would come back. We then pay for a traditional semester while being restricted to online courses with teachers who are not familiar with online learning. In addition, we were forced to live without our summer clothes, dorm TV, or other personal effects for months due to a poor judgement call on administration. Lastly, we are now expected to travel to campus to pack and remove our things in a short 2.5 hours slot allotted from administration, or pay to have all of our things packed and stored with no consideration of students circumstances. We cannot allow this to continue. Us, the students are the customers our participation, loans, parent/student payments keep that institution afloat and we have a right to speak out when we feel we are not being considered. If you are unsatisfied with ANY of this sign this.
This is so important because when you do not speak up against unfair treatment it continues. Most residents were charged for living on campus during a semester we were forced to leave. We were not advised to take out things under the impression that we would come back. We then pay for a traditional semester while being restricted to online courses with teachers who are not familiar with online learning. In addition, we were forced to live without our summer clothes, dorm TV, or other personal effects for months due to a poor judgement call on administration. Lastly, we are now expected to travel to campus to pack and remove our things in a short 2.5 hours slot allotted from administration, or pay to have all of our things packed and stored with no consideration of students circumstances. We cannot allow this to continue. Us, the students are the customers our participation, loans, parent/student payments keep that institution afloat and we have a right to speak out when we feel we are not being considered. If you are unsatisfied with ANY of this sign this.
How it will be delivered
I plan do deliver this petition before administrations with demands and results that YOU want. That will be requested later. FOR NOW SEND TO FRIENDS