To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Demand @SaudiEmbassyUSA End Silence on #MuslimBan

Press the Saudi government to end its silence on Trump's anti-Muslim immigration executive order.

Why is this important?

President Trump's anti-Muslim immigration executive order has sparked outrage worldwide. But one government has kept strangely silent: the government of Saudi Arabia. The New York Times reported: "King Salman of Saudi Arabia, home of Islam’s holiest sites, spoke to Mr. Trump by telephone on Sunday but made no public comment...Even the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, a group of 57 nations that considers itself the collective voice of the Muslim world, kept quiet." The Times noted that in issuing is order, "Trump invoked the Sept. 11 attacks three times. Yet Saudi Arabia, which was home to 15 of the 19 attackers, was not included on the list of countries whose citizens would be shut out." [1]

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation is based in Saudi Arabia, which might have something to do with the silence of this purported "collective voice of the Muslim world." The Saudi government markets itself in the Islamic world as "protector of the Muslims," even as it bombs and blockades Muslim civilians in Yemen with U.S. participation.

Urge Members of Congress to demand the Saudi government end its silence on Trump's #MuslimBan by signing our petition.
