To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Congress: Issue Subpeonas for the Drone Strike Memos
Congressional committees should issue subpoenas for the legal memos justifying the use of drone strikes outside any traditional theater of war, including those that target American citizens, if the Administration will not disclose this information to Congress voluntarily.
Why is this important?
Senate and House committees have sought from the Administration legal memos justifying the use of drone strikes outside any traditional theater of war, including those that target American citizens. In response, the Administration finally released some information, but is refusing to disclose more.
It makes a difference what the policy is. Recent polls have indicated that most Americans wouldn't support drone strikes if there is a significant risk of civilian casualties, and wouldn't support broad targeting of anyone suspected of being associated with a militant group if they aren't a threat to the United States.
The information that has been released so far shows that the Administration can release information to Congress and the public without compromising national security. We need to have an informed public debate about the drone strike policy, and to have an informed debate, we need to know what the policy is.
Here's an article from the Huffington Post about the possibility of subpoena:
Subpoenas For Drone Memos From House Judiciary Committee Has 'Bipartisan Interest'
It makes a difference what the policy is. Recent polls have indicated that most Americans wouldn't support drone strikes if there is a significant risk of civilian casualties, and wouldn't support broad targeting of anyone suspected of being associated with a militant group if they aren't a threat to the United States.
The information that has been released so far shows that the Administration can release information to Congress and the public without compromising national security. We need to have an informed public debate about the drone strike policy, and to have an informed debate, we need to know what the policy is.
Here's an article from the Huffington Post about the possibility of subpoena:
Subpoenas For Drone Memos From House Judiciary Committee Has 'Bipartisan Interest'