To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Congress Must Extend Unemployment Benefits

There are three job seekers for every job opening. Congress has never canceled an extension under such high levels of unemployment. More than 1.3 million people have already had this lifeline cut off. Five million more people will lose their benefits nationwide. Many of these people will become homeless, many others will move in with family, and some will die because of this.

The entire nation is watching to see the true nature of your character. Voters will remember this cruelty. Your opponents will feature your failure in attack ads this fall. Play this wrong and you, too, could be unemployed soon.

Why is this important?

A six-month extension is expected to pass the Senate this week, but the Republicans in the House of Representatives are refusing to even allow a vote! When these benefits are cut off, the long-term unemployed have no money to pay rent, electricity, transportation, or many of the other necessary expenses of living and looking for work. That means they will be homeless, along with their spouses, and their children will have to go into foster care, or they will have to move in with relatives. For every person who is cut off, there are many more who are affected. How does this make any sense??
Sign this petition and tell Congress to WAKE UP and help Americans instead of corporations for a change!