To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Congress Must Provide Disaster-Aid to Farmers Who Lost Crops in the Historic Bomb Cyclone

Congress must pass legislation to provide disaster-aid to farmers who lost their crops in the historic “bomb cyclone” that hit the central United States this spring.

Why is this important?

This spring, a perfect storm of melting snow, "bomb cyclone" rain, and climate change led to historic flooding across the central part of the United States.

Now, farmers will have to destroy any grains that were contaminated by the floodwaters and there is currently no federal program to cover the catastrophic and largely uninsured stored-crop losses.

With farm incomes in decline, largely due to Trump's trade war with China, many farmers had planned to sell their grain held in storage for money to live, pay their taxes or finance operations and plant more crops this spring.

Congress must act now to provide disaster-aid to farmers who lost their crops in the floods of 2019!
