No one (or two) people should be allowed to launch a FIRST STRIKE with NUCLEAR WEAPONS. The use of NUCLEAR WEAPONS will bring about the end of mankind and will ERASE ALL HUMAN HISTORY . . . if NUCLEAR WEAPONS can be dismantled and rendered nonfunctional throughout the world, that would be a FIRST CHOICE . . . but since that outcome could take much longer, we must take the power away from one (two) people (especially when our current POTUS has been declared MENTALLY ILL by MANY PROFESSIONAL MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALISTS). Only CONGRESS can declare WAR -- likewise, ONLY CONGRESS should be able to initiate a FIRST STRIKE with NUCLEAR WEAPONS.
Why is this important?
Using nuclear weapons may very well bring about the end of the world (as we know it) . . . could possibly make it so it's like human history never happened. The past, the present, the future . . . gone up in mushroom clouds of smoke.