To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Congress: Peace Now vs. AIPAC - Which Side Are You On?

Congress should endorse US engagement with the UN Security Council to support a diplomatic resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Why is this important?

Americans for Peace Now - the US affiliate of the mainstream Israeli peace movement Shalom Achshav (Peace Now) - is calling for President Obama to support action in the United Nations Security Council to help bring about a diplomatic resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict. [1] This is common sense: when the big powers want to resolve conflicts diplomatically, the United Nations Security Council is where they go to do it. That's how we got a diplomatic agreement on Iran's nuclear program; that's how we got a diplomatic agreement for a ceasefire in Syria.

Unfortunately, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC] is lobbying Congress in the opposite direction, urging its activists to "encourage your senators and representative to oppose efforts to bring the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to the U.N. and other international bodies." AIPAC doesn't want the UN Security Council to take any action because AIPAC doesn't want the Israel-Palestine conflict to be resolved diplomatically. AIPAC wants to maintain the cruel and unjust status quo, which is guaranteed to produce more violence and unnecessary suffering for Israelis and Palestinians.

Urge Congress to stand with Americans for Peace Now in favor of a diplomatic resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict by signing our petition.
