To: Congressman Steve Cohem

Congressman Steve Cohen: Stand Up Against Republican Efforts to Cut the Social Safety Net

The Republican Party wants to reduce, if not eliminate entirely, social programs which were instituted by our government to ensure public welfare. These efforts by the GOP will not in any way contribute to the well-being of the 99%. Their plan will destroy people who rely on these programs.

Why is this important?

My 28 year old son has been on disability for 10 years. He has a working wife and a six year old daughter. Without Social Security disability and Medicaid, he would have to live with his wife's family. I have been on disability since 2008. I am 62 years old. I too rely on disability plus Medicare. Cutting these essential programs will cause many people in our country to become homeless. Why did I work for 33 years only to have the promise of Social Security yanked away? Why did all of us believe in the system? These are essential social programs that should be strengthened, not reduced. Keep the social programs in place as they exist today at least and as promised.