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To: Gov. Ned Lamont ; AG William Tong

UConn corruption-----fabrice baudoin's plagiarism: the most dazzling diamond in Lamont-Tong crown

Petitions signed by 4000 American citizens:

Fabrice Baudoin's UConn corruption case was sent by Connecticut (CT) Great-Assembly-appointed agencies to Gov. Ned Lamont and AG William Tong. CT Lamont-Tong regime is the kleptocracy beacon of American.
● create kleptocracy laws to conceal all misconduct accusation,
● award impunity to cronies sneakily
media reports:

Lamont-UConn Board :
● waste million each year on hiring lawyers to delete/fabricate evidence for crony Fabrice Baudoin
● steal around world by denying all FOIA records about Fabrice Baudoin
● divert 0.6 million tax money each year to Fabrice Baudoin
Read more

Baudoin's plagiarism:

Let's send a letter to editors about plagiarism

Dear Editor

“Stochastic Processes and their Applications” published a plagiarized paper

page 553----559 in Fabrice Baudoin(2007) is blatantly plagiarized from Lyon (2002).

Lyon (2002). System Control and Rough Paths.

Baudoin(2007) . Operators associated with a stochastic differential equation driven by fractional Brownian motions, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 117 (2007) 550–574

● sec. 2.2.1 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, eq.3.1, pp 28--29 )
● def. 6 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, def. 3.1.1, pp 30)
● exp. 7 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, line 23--28, pp 9)
● def. 8 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, def. 3.1.2, pp 31)
● def. 9 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, def. 3.1.3, pp 39 )
● def. 10 in Baudoin (2007) copied from Lyon (2002, exp3.1.1. pp 30 )
● thm. 11 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, thm.3.1.2, pp 35 )
● def. 13 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, def. 3.2.1, pp 40)
● thm. 14 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, eqns 3.53--3.54, pp43-44 )
● thm. 15 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, thm.3.2.2 ,pp 45 )
● def. 16 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, def. 3.2.1, pp 48)
● prop.17 (eqns1-2) in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, pp48, pp50)
● prop.17 (eq3 ) in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, eq.3.70, pp50 )
● def. 18 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, def.3.3.3, pp 53)
● sec. 2.2.5 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, eq.5.12-5.14, pp 118 )
● def. 20 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, def.5.2.1, pp 121 )
● thm. 21 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, thm5.3.1, pp 122 )
● sec. 2.2.6 in Baudoin (2007) is copied from Lyon (2002, eqns6.1--6.5, pp 148--149)

For details, see

Please defend science against plagiarism. Plagiarism drives the science steadily back 50 years.


Why is this important?

Both media and citizens should actively combat injustice . Injustice scandals , on one hand, expose a chronic wound , but, on the other hand, may trigger a sometimes necessary and always healthy self-cleansing of society.

Many citizens initiated their own URLs . Nearly 5000 citizens' signatures were scattered in hundred URLs. Because nearly 800 signatures were deleted in an accident without recording their details (city, state, Zip code, sign date), these 800 signatures were abandoned. The remaining 4000 signatures , along with their details (signer' city, state, Zip code, sign date, etc) were provided to CT gov't. To aggregate, most URLs were deleted.

● UConn whitewash system has been exposed by ten more media outlets ( e.g. Yankee Institute, nbcconnecticut, wtnh, wfsb, daily campus ) .
● The unusual high salary of UConn rulers have been exposed by more than 30 media outlets (e.g. daily campus, ct insiders, journal inquiry, ct mirror many times, google search result of "uconn president high salary") .
● education policy has been criticized by more than 100 media outlets (google search result of "tenure abolish").
● media outlets strongly oppose secrecy provisions which conceal public corruption case from the public

The following is a FOIA log fabricated by Lamont-Tong's UConn Board


Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, Connecticut General Statutes Section 1-200 et. seq., I am requesting any documentation that could be viewed as 'opinion' and 'decision documentation' regarding

2013—2014: When Fabrice Baudoin was a teacher at another university, Fabrice Baudoin traveled with his student (Jing Wang) to such places as France for at least three times. Document showed that Baudoin did not bring other students. Is there any travel documents (from U.S. Customhouse) show the contrary? Given UConn rulers dismiss Ram Gopal based on Gopal's four trips, why did UConn rulers justify these trips?

2015—2016: When Baudoin was a teacher at another university, Baudoin traveled with ex-student (Jing Wang) to such places as Japan and China. Document showed that Baudoin did not bring other students in the Japan trip. Is there any travel documents (from U.S. Customhouse) show the contrary? Given UConn rulers dismiss Ram Gopal based on Gopal's four trips, why did UConn rulers justify these trips?

2016: Baudoin's wife Jeana Vatamanelu became an assistant professor. Given that UConn Board's steward did not allow Richard Colangel to hire an official's daughter, why Baudoin can recommend his wife Vatamanelu as an UConn assistant Professor? By now, how much did Connecticut pay?

Nov., 2016: Baudoin travelled to Germany, where he met Li Chen. Document shows that Baudoin did not bring other students. Is there any travel documents (from U.S. Customhouse) show the contrary?

Jul., 2017: Baudoin travelled to Spain, which was Chen's working country. How much did Connecticut pay?

Jul., 2017: As UConn's post doc committee, Baudoin procured a postdoc (UConn assis. Professor) job for Li Chen. In total, how much did Connecticut pay for Chen's three-year salary as an UConn assistant professor?

Sep., 2018: Baudoin went to Mexico with Li Chen. Document showed that Baudoin did not bring any other UConn students. Is there any travel documents (from U.S. Customhouse) show the contrary? Apart from Mexico, did they went to other countries, e.g. Canada?

Nov., 2018: How much did Connecticut pay for Baudoin's meeting with his ex-student Jing Wang at UConn?

Apr. 2019: Which date did Baudoin travel to Purdue? Which female was involved in this trip? Li Chen or Jing Wang?

May, 2019: How long did Li Chen' vacation last? How much did Connecticut pay?

Jun., 2019: Baudoin went to China, where Li Chen was taking vacation. Which Chinese cities did Baudoin and Li Chen go? How much did Connecticut pay?

Nov., 2019: Baudoin went to Germany with Li Chen. Document shows that Baudoin did not bring any other UConn students. Is there any travel documents (from U.S. Customhouse) show the contrary? Given UConn rulers dismiss Ram Gopal based on Gopal's four trips, why did UConn rulers justify these trips?

2017---2020: How much did Connecticut reimburse Chen's dozen trips?

Concerning UConn corruption, if any witnesses have Fabrice Baudoin's criminal evidence, please kindly provide to CT Attorney General's Office and CT watchdog's agencies, to complement the existing evidence. Connecticut has strongest law to protect the witnesses of public corruption cases. The disclosure is protected under CT public corruption statutes.

How it will be delivered

I wish all senators/representatives-----be it republican or democrats----- stop passing kleptocracy laws (e.g. secrecy laws).