To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Create A Moratorium On Closing Postal Facilities And Cutting Services Until A Reform Bill Has Bee...
We demand the US Postal Service cease closing post offices of all sizes and keep current service levels. We want the postal service to continue six day delivery of all mail. We demand Congress establish an immediate moratorium of any downsizing of any type until a new postal reform bill has been passed. This bill should include repealing the requirement to prefund 75 years of retiree healthcare benefits in a 10 year window at $5.5 billion dollars a year.
Why is this important?
Congress has the responsibility to be a good steward of the US Postal Service as outlined in the Constitution of the United States. This is outlined in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7. Our founding fathers wrote this in our constitution before the right to build roads, establish armies, navies and the right to declare war. The postal service has already eliminated 193,000 jobs since 2006 and continues to downsize. Currently the postal service employs 109,000 US military veterans. This is over 20% of the postal service career workforce. In this time of great economic recession in America it does not make sense to downsize the postal service as it is profitable the way it is. It simply needs to end the prefunding of retiree healthcare benefits at current levels. Not only are the postal service's retiree healthcare benefits overfunded by billions of dollars, the postal service's retiree annuity contributions to the CSRS and FERS are overfunded by billions of dollars as well. We believe creative accounting practices and bad laws have created this problem. So we ask the President and Congress to make the postal service cease and desist from closing anymore facilities and from cutting service at the post office until Congress passes a post office reform bill.