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To: Evan Mory, City of St.Petersburg, Director of Transportation & Parking

Crosswalk Needed On 38th Ave & MLK South

Hello, there is an urgent need for a crosswalk on 38th ave &MLK St S. Parents are being forced to j-walk across MLK in risk the safety of their children, with out a means of making on coming and going traffic aware of their crossing.

Why is this important?

The Tampa Bay Times have recently reported, that pedestrian and bicyclist deaths have increased significantly in Pinellas County, form 49 fatalities in 2020 to 85 in 2021 (per Pinellas and Pasco medical examiners medical records). County officials have agreed there is a disparity amongst low income residents, because of their means of mobility.
Lake Maggoire Park is not accessible for neighbors without a car or bicycle, who need to cross MLK st s. Families take on the risk when attempting to cross the busy street; neighborhood children look both ways, then bolt across the street to the park to play, daily. The city has this interaction in phase two based on a traffic study that was done by Stoneweg Lake Maggiore Transportation Analysis in June of 2021. This study would determine the urgency of crosswalk installment for this particular location is not needed for another 2-5 years. The people can not wait that long to safely cross the street.


2022-01-24 16:17:54 -0500

100 signatures reached

2022-01-22 07:50:00 -0500

50 signatures reached

2022-01-21 17:34:33 -0500

25 signatures reached

2022-01-21 16:44:51 -0500

10 signatures reached