To: Dan Bova, Editor in Chief

Cure a Misogynist

Print an apology to all women for the insulting and harmful article "How to Cure a Feminist...and turn her into an Actual Girl". Inform yourself of actual women's issues and contribute to a women's rights organization.

Why is this important?

The article in Maxim magazine about how to "cure" a feminist by turning her into "an actual girl" is highly insulting and promotes sexist actions by encouraging men to pretend they care about women's issues in order to date or objectify a woman.The photos show a "feminist" going from casual clothing to wearing underwear as "an actual girl". This mentality is harmful to both men and women as it continues to express the idea that women exist for the pleasure of men and that real issues that affect women on a daily basis have nothing to do with men. This line of thought creates and sustains an unsafe environment for women and Maxim should immediately address the irresponsibility of printing such an article.