To: President Donald Trump

Cut Military Spending. Close Overseas U.S. Military Bases

Establish a Blue Ribbon Commission to study the closure of U.S. overseas military bases.

The Commission will report to the President within one year with recomendations to close roughly %50 percent of overseas bases and bring home roughly %50 of U.S. military personel.

To be implemented with ten years of the final report by the Commission.

Why is this important?

As a way to reduce military spending President Obama should establish a Commission to study the feasibility of closing some U.S. military instulations located on foreign soil.

This Commission would report back to the President within one year with recomendations for the closing of overseas U.S. military instulations. The closures would encompass roughly %50 of U.S. military personel and roughly %50 of all foreing instulations. To be implemented within 10 years.
