To: The United States Senate

Tell Senator Collins to defend women's rights and vote NO on Kavanaugh!

Brett Kavanaugh is a threat to women's rights. The harm he can do by voting to overturn Roe v. Wade is incalculable. We the people must stop his confirmation to the Supreme Court.

Sign the petition telling Senator Collins to listen to her constituents and vote against Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.

Why is this important?

I am a woman's advocate and have lived through a time when women's rights were in the hands of men when women had to beg permission to protect their own bodies. Roe is part of a proud legacy fought for and won by hundreds of brave resilient women. How can we relegate it to the whims and ideology of one man?

There are currently at least 13 abortion cases which could make their way to the Supreme Court should Kavanaugh be confirmed, and it's no secret that anti-abortion activists hand picked him to carry out their agenda.

How can we relegate it to the whims and ideology of one man?

Senator Collins must listen to the people of Maine as a key vote in rejecting Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation.
