We're calling NICE Bus official to restored weekend n27 service to/from Roosevelt Field Mall, and full n21 bus service because timed transfer is not working out AT ALL. Some riders are forced to wait an hour because of NICE's mistake for touching busy n20, n21, n23 and n27 bus routes.
Roslyn Station is no place to wait for connecting buses for an hour in heavey rainstorm or snowstorm because there are no BUS SHELTER in this area and most BUSINESS HERE WOULDN'T LET YOU WAIT FOR BUS in bad weather unless if you buy something.
Please restore Weekend n27 back to Roosevelt Field Mall.
Same reason for n20 and n27 connection in Greenvale.
Why is this important?
Many residents who depends on n21, n23, and n27 buses are forced to wait an hour when connecting buses at Greenvale or Roslyn Station don't wait for each others.
This is very incovience since weekend service on n23 and n27 is every hour, while n20 trips to/from Hicksville has less service on Sundays.