To: Democratic Party

Democratic Party: Support Women's Rights

The Democratic Party has announced it will support candidates that are anti-choice, in conservative districts and "not make abortion a 'litmus test'" for giving a conservative Democrat campaign money. Self-determination and control over your own body is a fundamental human right. To hold otherwise is a gross betrayal of all women. The time to treat us like second class citizens is over and done with.

Why is this important?

When I heard about this excision of women's reproductive rights from the Democratic platform, this felt worse to me, than tRump's and the Republicans' misogyny towards women, because this is a betrayal from those of whom we expect better. Women form 85% of those in the progressive political marches and local progressive political grass roots movements. Join me in withholding donations from the Democratic Party, until they fully support a woman's right to a basic health care decision -- the right to choose contraceptive and reproductive options, including abortion.