100 signatures reached
To: Robertson county
Desperately trying to get a big dog shelter built in franklin texas Robertson county
There are hundreds of dogs starving being dumped . And they are getting shot . Used for bait dogs fighting breeding them to death we need a big animal shelter in Robertson county . Rescuers are over welmed we need to do this that’s the only cure .
Why is this important?
We need to open a shelter in Robertson county . One that is big . And will hold many dogs and we can social life them and get them there for ever home. There’s hundred of dogs and cats kittens pups old and young animals being dumped daily they’re starving being shot used for bait dos breeding fighting getting into the wrong hands. Not to minchin just being thrower out like trash . This heat is unbarrelble especial when they’re dumped no water no food no nothing . I would like to start a petetion for tax payers of Robertson county so we can get a big shelter