To: Michael E. Cox, Director of Public Works
Director Cox: Work with the Public to Increase Hours in Cleveland Rec Centers
Increase hours for Cleveland Recreation Centers to get our kids off the streets and into shape.
Why is this important?
Current hours in Cleveland Rec Centers are abysmal. None are open later than 7:30 pm, and this is only for scheduled programming. Studies (from the United Nations and Columbia University) have shown that the best way to reduce juvenile crime (which has shown a rise in Cleveland neighborhoods this year) is to allow public recreation centers to stay open later, preferably between 12 and 2 am on the weekends. Functional recreation facilities increase property values, decrease obesity rates, and contribute to making an entire area more desirable. A more public-friendly and crime free Cleveland is the Cleveland of the future. Michael E. Cox is the Director of Public Works in Cleveland. He has some authority in working to change this. Sign on to encourage his action.