To: Tom Brokaw, Retired journalist, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Do not raise the Medicare eligibility age-it's BAD Arithmetic!

The Affordable Care Act was a good first step in reforming Medicare. Raising the Medicare age eligibility would be a major step backwards as it will impact not only future retirees, it would also add additional costs to employers, government and the health care industry. We ask that you do the arithmetic before jumping on a short term quick fix that does not add up for America's future.

Why is this important?

Want to start a real generational war? Then keep bringing up the solution to Medicare funding that does not add up. The Kaiser Family Foundation did the math, raising the medicare eligibility age to 67 will save the government 5.7 billion but would end up costing every citizen and state and federal government 11.4 billion! Raising the Medicare eligibility age instead of focusing on the speculative COST of health care is bad for everyone's health!