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To: Jose Javier Rodriguez, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, US Labor Department Alumni, Florida Democrats

Draft Jose Javier Rodriguez for US Senate in 2026

I strongly believe in the emergence of new leaders within the Democratic Party. In order for our democracy to thrive, it is critical we continually cultivate fresh perspectives - that is why I vouch for Jose Javier Rodriguez as an ideal Senate candidate for 2026 in Florida.

With Rodriguez's proven track record in the Florida State Senate, he has demonstrated dedication and strong leadership. His stance on environmental protection, evidenced by his relentless, consistent pursuit of combating climate change for the wellbeing of future generations, marks him as a forward-thinking individual. Furthermore, Rodriguez stands firm in supporting justice reform, advocating for transparency and fairness in our legal system.

Just as important, Rodriguez stands on his own shoes as a national leader on labor rights issues, including on the right for unions to organize, reforming the unemployment insurance system, raising teacher pay, expanding healthcare benefits, and fully funding public education.

Through these actions, he not only embodies the values of our party, but also the hopes and aspirations of millions of Americans seeking progress. Let’s show our support for Jose Javier Rodriguez in a potential bid for Senate to unseat incumbent Ashley Moody and build a better future of our nation. Sign this petition now.

Why is this important?

Florida is another Senate seat Democrats have a realistic chance of flipping in a really good midterm cycle, especially with a strong, relatable candidate.