To: President Donald Trump, The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, Governor Tom Wolf, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

End discriminatory Child Custody laws in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania currently considers 30% Child Custody "Normal" for purely financial gain of Title IV D Funding from and through the federal government for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the detriment of children who need both parents in their lives to thrive. This law also adversely affects taxpayers. The state has no business setting such guidelines limiting parenting time, except for the financial gain of county budgets and county employee's. It is settled U.S. Supreme Court law that a father has a Constitutional right to his children as much in divorce as he enjoyed in marriage, but the law has been perverted and abused to the detriment of taxpayer's. I pay so much in child support as disabled veteran that I require SNAP foodstamp benefit's to feed myself and children rather than require a mother to seek gainful employment. Please sign this petition to address fraud, waste and abuse of taxpayer dollars and allow children their right to be with both parents equally and removing the financial incentive for a mother to not work.

Why is this important?

Equal Child Custody and Parenting time in Pennsylvania is currently considered "Normal" at just 30% for father's. Children need both parents in their lives and the U.S. Supreme Court agree's. Children and parents should not be used to generate cash for any county or state, nor used as leverage to harm another financially or emotionally. This disparity in child custody nearly cost me my life and has adversely affected my young children and thousands of other children and father's in Pennsylvania, including taxpayer's.