To: Calling on the FL legislature to pass HB389/SB334 to Allow Public Schools to provide Period Products at no cost to students.

End Period Poverty

Please support the HB 389/SB 334 and add it to the Education & Employment Committee Agenda

Dear Chair Massullo,

HB 389/ SB 334 Menstrual Hygiene Products in Public Schools, was filed for the 2023 Legislative Session by Representative Kelly Skidmore and Leader Lauren Book. The bill would allow that Florida schools provide period products at no charge to students on campus.

Many statewide coalitions of adult and youth-led organizations across Florida have been working together to advocate for this critical issue. They see firsthand that students are missing class, being forced to use their lunch money to purchase period products, or worse, are using unsafe alternatives. Wat too many students also face shame of having to walk around campus with stained clothing.

Each month, 1 in 4 students miss school due to lack of period products; it simply makes sense for school to provide them just like toilet paper and soap, pads and tampons are basic hygiene necessities for half the students in every school.

Why is this important?

We respectfully request you place HB389 on the Education & Employment Committee's agenda at your earliest convenience to improve the learning conditions for so many students in Florida.