To: Susan Bransen, Exec Director CA Transportation Commission, Brian C. Annis, Secretary, CA State Transportation Agency, Rhonda Craft, Director, CA Office of Traffic Safety, Laurie Berman, Directo, CalTrans, John Leopold, Santa Cruz County...

End the Carnage and Bloodshed on State Highway 17

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

We, the citizens of Santa Clara and Santa Cruz County that are entirely dependent upon Highway 17 for work, school and emergency services, demand that revenue from the Gas Tax be IMMEDIATELY allocated for IMMEDIATE improvements, upgrades and proper maintenance of this strategic artery.

While only 26.5 miles long, from 2006 through 2017 there were 2752 accidents, 3069 injuries and 32 fatalities. Since January 1 of this year, there has already been 200+ accidents. This stretch of roadway is often cited as the most dangerous in the state, if not the country.

The traffic, congestion and road closures associated with these accidents prevent critical services (County Sheriff, County Fire, CalFire) from being able to respond to emergency situations in the mountain community. The result is a clear and present danger to those living in the community, and to those trapped on 17 in emergency situations.

It is well past time for elected and appointed officials to not only recognize this dire situation, but take immediate and meaningful corrective action. With the passage of the Gas Tax, money is no longer an issue.

Why is this important?

I've been a resident of the Santa Cruz Mountains for 22 years. My wife, two children and I are completely dependent upon Highway 17 for work, school, and daily necessities; it is a fundamental part of our daily routine. While excessive traffic congestion and road closures occur frequently, it is especially worrisome during wildfire season, coupled with beach traffic, when we fear our ability to escape.

The "Camp Fire" of last year should serve as an abject lesson of the importance of navigable escape routes.