To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


Since 1945, the Permanent War Economy of the United States has killed millions of people, including U.S. soldiers and contractors as well as foreign children, women, and men; has wasted trillions of our tax dollars better used here at home; has shredded our Constitution and destroyed our civil liberties; has made the United States a Militaristic Surveillance/Police State; and has warped our values and priorities.

U.S. wars against the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Uganda, Syria, Iran, Congo, Central African Republic, and Sudan, plus more than one thousand U.S. military bases around the planet, are now wasting lives and hundreds of billions of dollars, creating even more enemies who want revenge, making us less safe, and only benefiting politicians and their war-profiteering corporate donors. It is time we dismantled this U.S. Empire; brought our soldiers home; and used all those funds here for vital needs such as jobs, housing, education, building a sustainable energy system to reverse catastrophic climate change and repairing our tattered social safety net.

Therefore, we, the people of the United States of America, demand that the President and Congress immediately end all U.S. wars and dismantle all U.S. military bases abroad, and bring our soldiers and those war dollars home.

Why is this important?

U.S. wars against the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Uganda, Syria, Iran, Congo, Central African Republic, and Sudan, plus more than one thousand U.S. military bases around the planet, are now wasting lives and hundreds of billions of dollars, creating even more enemies who want revenge, making us less safe, and only benefiting politicians and their war-profiteering corporate donors. It is time we dismantled this U.S. Empire; brought our soldiers home; and used all those funds here for vital needs such as jobs, housing, education, building a sustainable energy system to reverse catastrophic climate change and repairing our tattered social safety net.