To: Amy Klobuchar, U.S. Senator from MN, Al Franken, U.S. Senator from MN, Eric Paulsen, U.S. Congressional Rep from MN, Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Senator, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United State...

"Entitlement" reform


Rather, reform these programs by

1. allowing Medicare and Medicaid to reduce costs of prescription medication by taking bids from the drug companies, as does the Veterans Administration. In 2010 this reduced the VA prescription drug costs by 40%.

2. increasing the percentages of deductions for Social Security by the highest paid people, and reducing or eliminating the amount they receive. This increases Medicare funding as well.

3. cutting the bloated Pentagon Budget and using the freed-up funds to shore up the safety net programs as needed.

Why is this important?

President Obama and Congress seem bent on reforming "entitlement" programs, but they are afraid of public reaction, as well they might be. Let's tell them how it can be done without hurting those who depend on these programs.

FYI from AARP: "Social Security is NOT going bankrupt. Even in the unlikely event that nothing changes and the program's entire surplus runs out in 2033, as projected, checks would keep coming. Payroll taxes at current rates would cover 77 percent of all the future benefits promised. That's true for young and old alike, and includes inflation adjustments"

FYI: Cuts to the Pentagon's budget can support these and other programs. The Pentagon's 2012-2013 budget exceeds the COMBINED military budgets of ALL other countries in the world. Even with severe cuts, the U.S. remains the most powerful country in the world.