To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Expand Social Security for All
Expand Social Security by 1) providing those who are full-time parents or who leave work to care for an aging parent or child up to six years of credit, 2) increasing payments for low-wage workers like Minorities, Gen Y and Gen X, and 3) increasing payments for those born after the Baby Boomers. Improve the COLA index. Secure Social Security for generations and pay for the expansion by imposing a one-cent tax on each share of stock sold on Wall Street, imposing a one-tenth of a cent on derivative shares and/or by removing the cap on income taxed for Social Security.
Why is this important?
The Petition is to expand Social Security. This petition will give momentum to a national conversation that will bust the myths surrounding Social Security promulgated by the Koch Brothers Foundation that morphed into the CATO Institute. I was inspired after reading Social Security Works All Generations Plan because it impacts the entire Obama Coalition & is a dynamite GOTV plan.