To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

EXPAND Social Security -- don't cut it.

PRESIDENT OBAMA AND CONGRESS: Social Security benefits need to be expanded -- not cut. Do not agree to any budget that cuts Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid benefits.

Why is this important?

The New York Times reports that Republicans in Congress are nearing a budget deal with the White House that could include cuts to Social Security and Medicare.

Three years ago, the national conversation was about cuts. Together, we changed that. Now, expanding benefits for millions of Americans is the mainstream Democratic position.

Democratic presidential candidates have called for expanding Social Security benefits. 42 of 44 Senate Democrats voted for the Warren-Manchin resolution that called for expanding Social Security benefits.

And a national poll by the Progressive Change Institute shows expanding Social Security benefits is popular among 2016 70% to 15%.

The President and Congress must see that any deal that cuts Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid benefits would be unacceptable policy -- and would be wildly unpopular with voters. We will share this petition with them to make sure they do.