To: Kathy Downer, Streets & Transportation, Chairwoman, Roger Kalter, Streets & Transportation Commitee Member, and Mike McCauley, Streets & Transportation Committee Member

Expand the Fixed Bus Routes

Do you use, work with, or know anyone who uses either Washington-Morgan Community Action’s Transit Authority fixed route or Paratransit buses?

Transportation is a barrier in Marietta making it difficult, and sometimes impossible, for people to access programs, services, employment opportunities and healthy affordable foods. Expanding public transit services in the morning and evening hours will help to ensure people are able to get what they need, when they need it.

We, the people of Marietta, are ready for a change. It's a growing city and when it comes to the buses it's time for improvement for the city.

With gas prices soaring and Marietta growing & expanding there is a much needed demand for change with the bus system.

We want more routes for the Marietta Area Transit Bus Schedules. Increase the number of buses and routes.

Why is this important?

Later transit rides enables more consumers and workers to participate in Marietta’s growing economy, dollar for dollar. Buses running a later schedule reduce risk to those who work late night and early morning shifts, preventing them from having to walk for miles down darkened streets and providing them with a small improvement in their quality of life. Low income individuals often work irregular schedules and are the most loyal customers. Based on that, their demand for later services should be met. Equally important is how later transit (directly or indirectly) reduces the number of injuries (pedestrians being hit) in the community. In the past year, there has been an increase in ridership and it is time to take the next step in reinvigorating ridership. While it is up to the discretion of the board how funds are allocated and spent, we believe future revenues should be focused on establishing regular late night ridership on a consistent schedule.