To: The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, Governor Tom Wolf, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump


Support her in getting Congress to pass the STOP ARMING TERRORISTS ACT. Former Sen. Ron Paul would agree . We are causing Syrians to seek refuge by arming "Moderate Territories" to fight the Extreme terrorists.

This is terrible. Can you be a little pregnant? No. You are pregnant, giving birth, or NOT pregnant. We are helping the terrorists kill Syrians. Tulsi wanted to seek the truth, risked not being allowed back into the USA, and risking death in Syria, speaking to the civilians, Assad sought her out, not the other way around. Assad is not dead, because the Syrian civilians do jot want him dead. He is the best they can do for now, to maintain some of a democratic givt. The civilians begged Tulsi to write her aforementioned Bill. According to the New Yorker Magazine, in 2008, because of climate change, Syria had an unprecedented drought. The Sec. Of Agriculture came to Pam Powers, and Obama, to get a relief grant of 3billion dollars to avoid a civil war.People panic when famine hits during a 4yr drought! Obama said, no. Billions, I assume, dollars,...deaths and refugees are still under siege because they say we are arming moderate terrorists.The Kurds were just civilians forced to fight, and maybe they surrendered? Support her bill, she is an Iraqi war vet, I believe on the front line/in active combat? Not certain? That's the war the CIA made up, and our "progressive party" voted for with the Republicans. Call Tulsi for more info, call our U.S. Embassador, Secretary Nikki Haley.THESE ARE THE TWO WOMEN OF USA to show your children now. These are the women of great valour!!!!!

Why is this important?

TO END WAR IN SYRIA! TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY THIS TIME, NOT LIKE IRAQ. We have one last chance to get it right.
