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To: Major News Networks

Fact-Check the RNC and Call Out Lies and Propaganda in Real Time!

In July the Republican National Convention will kick off in Milwaukee, with events running from Sunday, July 14 to Thursday, July 18. During that time, major news outlets and journalists will be reporting and livestreaming the convention, including speeches made by Trump, MAGA politicians, and representatives from dangerous conservative organizations like the Heritage Project and Citizens United.  

We can’t give free air time to lies and propaganda! Demand news networks and journalists engage in live fact-checking to prevent the RNC from broadcasting misinformation to millions during their convention.

Why is this important?

Major news networks are right now planning their special convention coverage for the Republican National Convention. We know that disgraced former president and Republican nominee Donald Trump will use this opportunity to fire up his most extreme, far-right base, spewing lies. 

During last month’s debate alone, Trump made more than 30 false statements. Since CNN refused to engage in live fact checking, that meant that the over 51 MILLION viewers who tuned into the debate initially received Trump’s misinformation unchecked. Now Trump and his MAGA cronies will do it again—pumping disinformation directly over the airwaves over four evenings of prime-time coverage. News networks can and must do better in not treating lies as legitimate arguments, and in calling out deceptions before they permeate the public discourse.

A strong democracy requires informed citizens, and we rely on independent journalism and news networks to provide factual information. It’s imperative that any news networks covering or broadcasting the RNC call out all falsehoods in real time to prevent misinformation and propaganda from spreading!


2024-07-17 17:21:03 -0400

500 signatures reached

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