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To: Congress, Local Elected Officials

Faith communities for IVF and reproductive freedom!

For decades, faith has been weaponized to oppose and restrict reproductive rights and freedom, from abortion to contraception. And now it's being used to attempt to restrict in vitro fertilization. In light of the Southern Baptists Convention’s vote opposing IVF, we’re speaking out together to demonstrate that a broad, diverse, and powerful coalition of people across faiths support IVF and reproductive freedom, and to urge Congress and local elected officials to protect all of our rights. 

Why is this important?

Struggling with fertility is an incredibly personal, challenging, and complex issue for individuals and families. Every single person deserves access to a full range of reproductive health options in order to help them plan their families and future—including access to IVF. And they deserve to know that they are supported and cared for by their faith communities as well, without stigma or shame. 

An overwhelming majority of people in America—70%—support IVF, and that includes people across faiths. For thousands of people every year, IVF provides a pathway to parenthood, as nearly 2% of all pregnancies in the U.S. are a result of this critical form of reproductive care. 

Yet, that has not stopped a small but powerful minority of Christian-nationalist politicians from trying to restrict access to IVF on the state and federal level. Earlier this year, the Alabama Supreme Court banned IVF in the state by twisting Christian teachings to justify asserting legal rights and protections for fertilized eggs. Missouri’s abortion ban, passed two years ago, has put access to IVF in limbo. And just this week, Senate Republicans blocked a federal bill that would protect IVF.

These far-right leaders frequently weaponize faith to justify these restrictions. But our faith communities are diverse, and how we choose to define, build, and nurture our families is as well. We’re tired of the one-sided, partisan story that is being told about our faiths in order to undermine and restrict reproductive freedom. People across faiths and denominations support IVF and urge leaders to protect access!



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