To: Fareed Zakaria, CNN, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

@FareedZakaria: To Oppose Saudi Terror Support, Urge Vote to Block Arms Deal

Urge Congress to vote for the resolution of disapproval against Trump's Saudi arms deal.

Why is this important?

Saudi Arabia is using U.S. weapons to deliberately create famine in Yemen [1]. Trump's Saudi arms deal is widely seen as a U.S. seal of approval for escalation of the famine-producing Saudi-UAE war and blockade. Sens. Chris Murphy [D-CT] and Rand Paul [R-KY] [2] and Reps. Mark Pocan [D-WI] and Justin Amash [R-MI] [3] have introduced resolutions to block the Saudi arms deal.

CNN's Fareed Zakaria attacked Trump's Saudi arms deal in a Washington Post op-ed. Zakaria noted that Saudi Arabia has been central to the spread of terrorism; that Saudi Arabia has spread its puritanical and intolerant version of Islam across the Muslim world; that Osama bin Laden was Saudi, as were 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11; that the Saudi government has provided financial and logistic support to ISIS and is in tacit alliance with al-Qaeda in Yemen; that charities 'closely connected with government offices' of Saudi Arabia are funding mosques, schools and imams to disseminate a fundamentalist, intolerant version of Islam throughout Germany; that more than 94% of deaths caused by Islamist terrorism since 2001 were perpetrated by the Islamic State, al-Qaeda and other Sunni jihadists; that almost every Islamist terrorist attack in the West has had some connection to Saudi Arabia. [4]

But Fareed Zakaria has not yet endorsed the bipartisan Congressional opposition to the Saudi arms deal that could force a change in U.S. policy.

Urge Fareed Zakaria to endorse the bipartisan Congressional opposition to the Saudi arms deal by signing our petition.
